Calcutta Mercy

We can’t change the whole world, but we can change someone’s world.

Our program is dedicated to providing nourishing meals daily to thousands of children and adults, with some relying on this as their sole meal for the day. Your support is the backbone of this mission.

For the past 50 years, Walk-A-Thons have been instrumental in changing countless lives, and our commitment is unwavering—to reach even more lives in the future.

In Calcutta, India, millions grapple with the harsh reality of insufficient food, limited healthcare, and a lack of education. Calcutta Mercy, established 60 years ago, tirelessly addresses these fundamental needs. Today, our mission persists—to deliver meals, education, and medical care. Join us in the ongoing journey to transform lives, one person at a time, in this bustling city where opportunities for a better life are desperately required.